Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fan Newsletter - Blog Edition

Hello Friends!

Just a few quick updates for you.

May 11 – Springbok. Free Show. 21+.
We play from 10-1045pm. We suggest arriving at 945pm.
Springbok is located at:
16153 Victory Boulevard
CA 91406

MAY 12 – Downtown Anaheim Farmer’s Market. $5 entrance fee to the Farmer’s Market. All Ages.
We play from 6-7pm. We suggest arriving at 545pm.
Downtown Anaheim Farmer’s Market is located at:
205 Center Street Promenade
Anaheim, CA 92805

MAY 15 – Ole Lounge, Blink Campaign show in Chicago, IL. All Ages, $15.
Event begins at 6pm. Entry includes free food, live entertainment and lots of free giveaways. Proceeds go towards the Blink Campaign’s mission to increasing awareness and HIV AIDS prevention.
The Ole Lounge is located at:
2812 North Lincoln Avenue
Chicago, IL 60657

MAY 22 – Blue Café. $5. 21+.
We play from 8-845pm. We suggest arriving at 745pm.
Blue Café is located at:
217 Pine Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90802

JUNE 25 – The Good Hurt. Free if you are on the guest list. 21+.
We play at 9pm. We suggest arriving at 845pm.
Please send us your full name and email address and any of the names/emails of your friends and we will put you on the list for FREE entry and put you in the running for FREE Giveaways! We’ll put everyone on the guest list for no cover charge, just let us know who to add!
The Good Hurt is located at:
12249 Venice Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90066

More shows are being added, more giveaways and contests are being thought up and more special appearances are happening. You don’t want to miss these shows!

I’ve been helping out my friend Shawnee Harkins with more Shake Weight promotions. My latest was participating in the KTLA Morning News Shake Weight segments that were filmed live on location at the Hollywood Boxing Gym in Hollywood, CA. The segments have spread from LA all across the nation and can be seen on the KTLA website, youtube, The Huffington Post and even Tosh.0.

Check out my blog post for more info and links:

I think I’ve hit a new level of artistry. Two of my good friends and fans recently got Leah Jee lyrics as tattoos! How cool! Thank you for your love and support. I’m so happy that my lyrics mean that much to you.

Check out my blog for more info:

Fourth – CHICAGO
Blink shows are starting to pop up now and we are getting more of a schedule together. The first Blink show I’m participating in is in Chicago on May 15th. If you are in the area, please come out and spread the word. It’s a great cause. It’s a high cover, but there’s FREE food, live entertainment all night, giveaways and Yours truly will be there performing with Phil Malko!!

Thanks for all your love and support. Can’t wait to see you again soon!

Always, Leah

Leah Jee Lyrics Make Excellent Tattoos

I'm smiling so big right now. And you all know how I love smiling, it's my favorite. Two of my friends and huge Leah Jee fans went this weekend and got Leah Jee lyric tattoos! Nikki and Kelley both tatted their rib cages with lyrics from my original song "Hero In Me" and they look fantastic!

I feel so accomplished and really accredited. When someone adorns their body with something that you've written because it means that much to them... whew, let me tell ya, I'm pretty proud and honored right now. Thanks ladies! You kicked Leah Jee music up to an entirely new level!

Monday, May 9, 2011

KTLA Morning News Shake Weight Segments

I had the privilege and butt-kicking work out opportunity to join Shawnee Harkins at the Hollywood Boxing Gym in Hollywood, CA on Friday May 6th. KTLA Morning News Anchor Allie MacKay was there filming on location to get a sneak peak of Shawnee's new Shake Weight class. We did live filming, teasers and about 4 minute segments on the 5, 6, 7am hour and then another for the 1pm hour. Great class, hard workout. If you're up for a challenge, check out Shawnee's class at Hollywood Boxing Gym or any of her workout routines online.

Here's the video links to check out the segments =)




Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wrapping up the Cleanse Diet

Ok so I skipped a bunch of day and a bunch of entries. But you'll be happy to know that the 30 day diet is almost at its end. Just a few hours to go and I'm done! I made it through the 30 days following the complete diet rules, drinking the cleanse shake for 2 weeks and ridding my body of all the harsh toxins that it was holding on to. Honestly, I feel pretty good! This diet and cleanse was more a test of will power and being able to say that "Yes, in fact, I can go without that." There are a few things I'd like to add back in my diet but all in moderation. There are definite changes that I am going to make. It all starts with back at home - when we are home, things will be as fresh as possible. I'm going to continue making fresh salsas, soup stock and beans. Less processed, less preservatives. I'm also sticking with the gluten free rice and pastas as much as possible. I feel 100 times better without the gluten. A lot of your favorite brands are gluten and casein free. I got used to checking things from the internet on my phone while at the market to see what was gluten free, and you'd be surprised how much is available.

I've been thinking about what foods I'd really like to be eating. Candy? Ice cream? A Steak? The only things I really miss have been pizza (craving it on and off for 2 weeks), soy sauce/sugar for asian cooking and certain starches. I don't want to live a life without starch =) Being bread free for over a month now, I can say that sandwiches are good once in a while but I don't have to have them everyday.

I'm looking forward to being able to choose when I eat things, being cognizant of what I'm putting into my body and not feeling like I might want it because I can't have it.

So tomorrow is the big day to wrap it all up and start introducing foods back into my diet. I'm going to lunch with my grandma so that will be a nice introduction. 30+ days without eating out is a crazy thing for me! =)

Friday, April 8, 2011

New Shows!

Saturday April 9 was previously scheduled to be in San Bernardino, BUT the location has been changed by the booker.

Now, this Saturday's show is at 930pm at Shamrocks in Chino Hills, we play before an awesome Led Zeppelin cover band. $5, 21+

SHAMROCK'S is located at: 4020 B Chino Hills Parkway, Chino Hills (by Big Lots, Pipeline & CHP)

We go on at 945pm and will be broadcasting live on Bandromeda's b-LIVE! Check it out at http://bandromeda.com/band/leah-jee/blive

Saturday April 16th we are playing at Neon Venus. It is an ALL AGES show and $6 at the door. Get there around 745pm - we actually play from 8-30pm and are the first band.

NEON VENUS is at 7023 Melrose Ave, LA 90038. Check out more info at:
We will also be broadcasting this show live on Bandromeda's b-LIVE! Check it out at http://bandromeda.com/band/leah-jee/blive

A few other booked shows (with more info to follow!)
MAY 12: Downtown Anaheim Farmer's Market (Anaheim), All Ages, $5 entry to the Farmer's Market, 6-7pm
JUNE 25: The Good Hurt (West LA), 21+, Free if you send me your full name and email address (and help us get paid by using our guest list!), 9pm sharp!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Indie Film Music News

I got some great news this afternoon that I will be writing and performing some new music for an upcoming Indie film due to start shooting in June/July. My song will be featured in the movie and I will be filmed performing it for the film, which is in association with the Blink Campaign. I've been a part of the Blink Campaign for the last few months, and I am gearing up help the campaign spread HIV/AIDS awareness across the nation. More details soon!

Shake Weight Kickoff Campaign

This past weekend, I traveled to Palm Springs, CA to participate in the official kickoff of the new Shake Weight fitness campaign led by my friend and celebrity trainer Shawnee Harkins. The premiere was held at the Riviera Resort in Palm Springs during Dinah Shore weekend. Shawnee has created an entire fitness class using the Shake Weight, and let me tell you, it was a great workout! I took her class this weekend and helped in the filming - which will be on Exercisetv and the Here network. I was interviewed by Shawnee on camera and my music was played after the demonstration. I ended up meeting a bunch of awesome people, making new fans, handing out a lot of free merch and even taking pics with fans and signing a few autographs! It was great to be a part of the Shake Weight kickoff and I'm looking forward to working with Shake Weight and Shawnee Harkins much more in the future.


Last day of the cleanse! With all the craziness that has been going on, I haven't blogged! What the heck!

Since we last talked, I've been a responsible adult doing my taxes, been a rocker chick playing a show at House of Blues on Sunset Saturday night, an exercise enthusiast participating in my fabulous trainer friend Shawnee Harkins' Shake Weight class and filming, a promoting fool giving out free cds and merch at Dinah Shore after the Shake Weight class, and a very happy person seeing so many old friends and making some new ones this weekend!

Today is our last day drinking the cleanse. So far, I have lost a little bit of weight and I'm feeling better. I remember the first sip of the mix drink and thinking to myself "Oh God, another 59 to go!" But here we are at the end of it, and I think I'm going to actually miss it. Each day it made me feel great knowing I was consuming something very healthy and helping my body. Now I'll have to include the dietary changes that this cleanse and diet have brought about.

I still have 2 weeks of the diet to go, and today the restrictions kick up a notch. More things to add to the list of no-nos. But I don't drink coffee and I'm already not consuming processed foods so it shouldn't be that hard. I will miss sugar, but for the last week I've only had evaporated cane sugar once! So I think I'm in good shape for this week.

Dani and I are getting ready to play at KTK's wedding. We have a few weeks to really polish up the tunes, we have 8 songs to work on for wedding perfection. It's cool to be able to take the songs and work on them a bit to change them. I'm looking forward to working with Dani on these songs. Each time we play it gets easier and we learn more about eachother's styles.

I'll write more about the cleanse and all the recent Leah Jee music developments soon!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Hey! I got so wrapped up in taxes that I didn't blog! Bad Leah!

Today makes one full week since we have started our cleanse. We have one week to go until we are done with our cleanse drink and then 2 weeks of diet to complete til we are totally done.

Man! It wasn't hard until today. I wasn't prepared for the new diet restrictions. I will definitely be going to the market on my lunch break to get something I can whip up and after work to stock up on supplies. Gluten, dairy and processed foods free is definitely a challenge.

I've been feeling really exhausted. Just plain old tired. I'm not doing anything that's extremely exerting. I think it must be my body detoxing and adjusting to the dietary/nutrition changes. I eat pretty well most of the time so it wasn't so much of a change. Fresh fruits, veggies and meats... not many processed things. But the things like "Fresh" minced garlic, ginger and basil that I have in my fridge are still processed foods (I think). I also use canned veggies often and that's off limits.

This week definitely kicks it up a notch! I'll keep writing about it to let you know how it's going. For more info on the person who's behind this cleansing kick, check out: http://shawneeharkins.com/

We received a very, very awesome compliment today. I posted on the GoGirls facebook site that we are playing at the House of Blues on 4/2. And Madalyn, the CEO & Founder, wrote this:
"Hey everyone in the LA area, go see Leah Jee. She and her band rock! They played our GoGirls @ SXSW and I was Wow'd. If I didn't live so far away (in TX), I would be there."
SOOOO AWESOME! What an amazing compliment! For more info about GoGirls, check out: http://www.gogirlsmusic.com

Saturday, March 26, 2011

House of Blues Sunset - April 2

We are playing at the House of Blues on Sunset in the VooDoo Lounge on April 2nd at 815pm. We are doing it FULL BAND! This is our first full band acoustic show in California. We previewed the show in Texas at Kick Butt Coffee for our SXSW showcase there. It went great! The band is so excited to play this show at HOB. It's all ages, $10 at the door!

See you there!


Day 5: Today was an easy day! The drinks went down easier, and it was the first day that I felt like I wasn't super hungry!

Tomorrow, I have a lot of work cut out for me - taxes, working out, updating email addresses that we got on the road, cooking some gluten-free deliciousness, some practicing, and hopefully some hanging out with friends!

We'll see how much I get done.

Check out more info about me at my reverbnation site

For more info about Shawnee and the cleanse I'm on check out: http://shawneeharkins.com/

Friday, March 25, 2011


So far so good. Today was the 4th day of the cleanse and I am already finished with the 2 drinks. Dani told me she's already lost some weight. I don't believe in scales but I'm feeling pretty good. I haven't been working out, I'm just so exhausted but I think today and this weekend I'll be remedying that! I have a photoshoot coming up in 2 weeks so I think cleansing and sticking to this diet and working out will help tremendously.

This morning and evening, it was much easier to drink the mix than yesterday. I've done a ton of gluten-free research this week to see what we can and can't eat. It turns out that most of my diet is pretty gluten free. I'm just substituting the things that aren't (like pasta) for the gluten free versions. So far so good. Next week, we up the ante and eliminate more things from our diet, so we are incorporating what we need to eliminate this week before it's "see ya in 3 weeks" time =)

If you are interested in this cleanse, fitness or more information about the awesome trainer Shawnee Harkins, check out her new article about using the shake weight to reach your fitness goals! http://www.shewired.com/Article.cfm?ID=26912

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Here we are at the end of day 3. Today was more difficult than yesterday, but hopefully that is a temporary set back. Hey, if it was easy, everyone would do. I feel so tired today. I'm definitely lacking motivation to go work out and feel like I could just sleep for days! I think I'm going to listen to my body this time and get some rest. I'm sure I'm still exhausted from our Texas trip, and we did play a show last night at Springbok. I find I'm really hungry, and I can't figure out if it's just a mental thing because we are on a "diet" or if it's because the cleanse is making me hungry. Hmm...

Well, I know it's early but I think I'm going to swing by the market and then get some rest.

Don't forget, we just booked a show at the House of Blues on Sunset for 4/2 at 8pm. It's a full band acoustic show. Very cool!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Recently, I decided to start an Ultimate Cleanse. It helps get rid of all the toxins in your body, get you healthy and help you lose some weight in the process. I've been thinking about doing a cleanse like this for ages, but I really didn't trust things I saw on TV. Well, lucky for me, I've got a fantastic and very reliable source on this one. I'm working with the fabulous Shawnee Harkins, So Cal based fitness guru, and she is helping me take my health and fitness to a new level. If you want to know more about Shawnee, you can check her out here: http://www.shawneeharkins.com/

Yesterday, Dani and I embarked on our 30 day cleanse and super diet. The cleanse mix wasn't as easy to get down as we had hoped, but Dani was a cleanse drinking champ and she motivated me to get it down. Definitely true - it tastes way way way better when cold!

Over the next 29 days, we have 2 shakes to drink per day and the diet to follow. I'll blog about it because it is something that is happening with me and I was told by friends and fans that it will provide them motivation to get it done! So thanks for your support and interest in this and making me stick to it!

1 down, 29 to go.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

SXSW - Invasion of the GoGirls Showcase

Hey Everyone! Thank you to everyone who tuned in to the live viewing of our GoGirls showcase in Austin, TX. We had 30 online viewers during the performance and I know a lot more of you wanted to check it out but couldn't at the time! We also had a great crowd to play for in Trophy's, where the showcase was held.

We had a blast and here is the link and video if you weren't able to see it or if you are just that big a fan that you want to watch it another time =)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Invasion of the GoGirls at SXSW Showcase - You can watch it!

On Saturday March 19th at 9pm, Leah Jee will be kicking off a night of awesome indie music at Trophy's in Austin, Texas for the Invasion of the GoGirls at SXSW.

You can watch this show online or on your smart phone! Isn't that rad!?

To Watch Leah Jee on ONLINE or on Mobile Devices - Hit up the Ustream Webcast or the Application!


All times are CST. Watch the GoGirls Invasion on your computer OR iPhone, iTouch, Android or Windows 7 phone using the Ustream Viewer app.

Watch the webcast at www.ustream.tv/channel/gogirlsmusic.

Get Ustream Viewer App for phone then search for GoGirls.

It's that simple! See you at 9pm CST (that's 7pm for you West coast fans =))

Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Songs

So, after what seems like eons, I've written a new song! It's called "Coming After You" and I can't wait to perform it out soon.

And although I don't do many covers, I've worked on a few that really are so different from the originals that they have been added to my setlist for acoustic shows. I've done "Forever" by Chris Brown and "Toxic" by Britney Spears. Come to an acoustic show and request one, or both!

See you at a show soon. Rock on! XOXO

Social Networking 3.5.11

I've heard from my PR agency that we are getting pick up by bloggers around the country and we'll be getting more attention! Very exciting!

I checked my Reverbnation account... and in the last week, I've jumped almost 60,000 spots globally for artists of all genres! I'm in the top 200 pop artists in So Cal and within the top 1400 in the country! Such great news. I'm very proud of all that we've accomplished in the last few months, but I'll never forget all the hard work and great fan support throughout the years to get me here. You guys rock.

Remember to check us out because I am social networked to the max!

Parties, Shows, Texas & More

Hello All!
It's been months since I last got on here and let me tell you... there have been so many things happening lately!

I've been working really hard booking shows all over the country! Since we've gotten back from our holiday break, we’ve been playing lots of shows and this month I'm taking it to a new level!

I just played a private birthday party a few nights ago, and it was a blast. I love those kind of intimate shows - small groups of people really very supportive, singing and dancing and super excited that I'm performing. I love entertaining! If you're interested in booking our full band or just me for an event, please let me know. We are available for your parties!

Here's our show schedule for this month. Show up around the time that I've listed =)
March 10 – Universal Bar & Grill (Studio City, CA). Be there by 9pm 21+ Cover charge $7
March 11 – Brick by Brick (San Diego, CA). Be there by 11pm 21+ Cover charge $10
March 16 – Fashion week show with Alakazia (LA, CA)
March 19 – Invasion of the GoGirls SXSW at Trophy’s (Austin, TX). Be there by 830pm 21+ Free
March 19 – ArmadilloFest 2011 Headlining at Midnight (Taylor, TX). Be there by 1130pm All Ages Cover charge $5
March 23 – Springbok (Van Nuys, CA). Be there by 10pm 21+ Free
March 31 – Downtown Anaheim Farmer’s Market (Anaheim, CA). Be there by 445pm. All Ages $5 Entrance fee

Here are some links for the shows we will be playing in Texas and SXSW.
For more info about the events that we will be a part of check out these sites here:

Whew! As you can see we are busy, and more and more shows are coming in everyday! Especially since we will be on the road heading to Texas in less than 2 weeks! We’ve been taking as many gigs as possible to raise some money for our trip. We’re doing pretty well so far, but we could definitely use your help…

I've asked fans, friends and family if they'd like to help out. To get us to Texas, I’m looking for donations and to start fund raising for our trip. We’re so close to our goal for what we need to make it there, I wanted to see if you - my awesome fans and such good friends - would be interested and able to help. You have been here through so much of this journey! If you are interested in helping – no matter what the amount… $5, $20, $100, one million dollars =) – your support would be eternally appreciated. I will show my gratitude and will give you incentives for helping, which depending on your level of contribution can include listing your help via my website, liner notes thank you on the new cd (unless you'd rather be anonymous), merch like cds, shirts, hats, VIP list entry to shows, etc etc. We have 2 weeks til we hit the road and we could definitely use your help!

Let me know if you are interested in helping out! XO

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