Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wrapping up the Cleanse Diet

Ok so I skipped a bunch of day and a bunch of entries. But you'll be happy to know that the 30 day diet is almost at its end. Just a few hours to go and I'm done! I made it through the 30 days following the complete diet rules, drinking the cleanse shake for 2 weeks and ridding my body of all the harsh toxins that it was holding on to. Honestly, I feel pretty good! This diet and cleanse was more a test of will power and being able to say that "Yes, in fact, I can go without that." There are a few things I'd like to add back in my diet but all in moderation. There are definite changes that I am going to make. It all starts with back at home - when we are home, things will be as fresh as possible. I'm going to continue making fresh salsas, soup stock and beans. Less processed, less preservatives. I'm also sticking with the gluten free rice and pastas as much as possible. I feel 100 times better without the gluten. A lot of your favorite brands are gluten and casein free. I got used to checking things from the internet on my phone while at the market to see what was gluten free, and you'd be surprised how much is available.

I've been thinking about what foods I'd really like to be eating. Candy? Ice cream? A Steak? The only things I really miss have been pizza (craving it on and off for 2 weeks), soy sauce/sugar for asian cooking and certain starches. I don't want to live a life without starch =) Being bread free for over a month now, I can say that sandwiches are good once in a while but I don't have to have them everyday.

I'm looking forward to being able to choose when I eat things, being cognizant of what I'm putting into my body and not feeling like I might want it because I can't have it.

So tomorrow is the big day to wrap it all up and start introducing foods back into my diet. I'm going to lunch with my grandma so that will be a nice introduction. 30+ days without eating out is a crazy thing for me! =)

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